среда, 10. септембар 2014.

Oral higiene,how to whiten you teeth and fight bad breath

Who doesn't like nice smile,and white teeth,but someone have naturally yellow teeth and someone how naturally white teeth (lucky's).There's lot of ways to have white teeth,one of them is to go to dentist and get them whiten professionally,and that is really expensive.Other way is to go to pharmacy an buy whitening light or whitening strips

I heard that this one's are really good,but I didn't used them,I'm planing,so if anybody used this let me know are they good for you.Another way is to use things that you've got at home.First thing you can do is making paste of bicarbonate of soda and lemon or lime.
All you have to do is to take one spoon of bicarbonate sode pour it into a bowl,and add lemon juice and then brush your teeth with that.But you should do this once in a week,because of bicarbonate.Other thing you could is to take one fresh strawberry and rub it on your teeth,I did that and It really works.For bad breath,you can take two slices of lemon and eat it before you go to sleep,or buy mint stripes they are amazing.I hope that this was usefull for you.Bye xx

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